“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space lies our freedom
and power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freedom.”
Viktor Frankl
I first read this quote whilst we were living in Sydney and I was training to be a Slow Yoga Teacher.
I was inspired and realised I had a lot of work to do because I am a pretty reactive person.
So, a few years on and now living in Costa Rica, I thought I would report on my progress because progress has been made.
- Is now my mantra. Widen the gap between the stimulus and my response. Pay attention to how I am feeling emotionally and physically, in a non critical sort of way, before making any decision.
“Start learning to recognise this space between stimulus and response. Learn to utilise this pause and to recognise what is really going on, as opposed to what you think is going on, or perhaps becoming aware of something you had previously not even noticed. Increased awareness supports a decrease in stress.” Mind the Gap – between stimulus and reaction - an excellent article
By Claire Gold: InterCHANGEpd Associate
It’s a work in progress.