Yoga Poses

CHILDS POSE - Balasana

With or without blocks

Sit back, bum to the heels, knees as wide as you can allow, big toes together.

Settle the forehead to the mat or the block. Arms are extended down the mat.

4 minute hold


Lie on your belly, legs wide & feet to the outside edges of the mat.

Elbows aligned directly under the shoulders.

Belly relaxed and pubic bone soft into the mat.

Forearms parallel. Release tension in the glutes (Butt muscles)

This pose is a back bend. An extension of the spine and particularly the lower back.

If you would like to work a little more deeply, bend the knees and slightly flex the feet. (See pic)

A tad more? Then place a block under each forearm. (See pic)

The head can either be in a neutral position or chin towards the throat.

4 minute hold

PLEASE NOTE: If you have an herniated disc or are just feeling tight in the lower back, move the elbows forward of the shoulders.

REST. (last picture of the sequence)

Place one hand on top of the other, forehead resting on the hands.

Draw the right knee to the side of the body in line with the hip.

Soften the chest and belly and focus on the breath in the belly.

3 minutes each side.


LAYING BUTTERFLY - Suptabarakasana

With or without blocks

Lie on your back and bring the soles of your feet together and the heels towards the groin.

Support your outer thighs with blocks if you are feeling tight in the groin area.

Extend the arms to the side and above the head as much as the shoulders will allow.

Soften and release the shoulders and shoulder blades towards the mat.

5 minutes